Review: Abusements - "Feelin' Cheated?/Sex Cult" "Space Nazis/Florida Man" Review

Yeah, I know the Abusements are from Montgomery, AL, but where did this band come from??
Punk-rock that is snotty, fast, fun as hell, and smart. Don't get me wrong. This isn't music that makes ya think. This is music for folks that are tired of thinking. We know things are fucked-up and the world is silly so let's bounce around to take our minds off of it. Or, more specifically, let's make fun of it. Let's poke a stick at it. Singles like "Feelin' Cheated?/Sex Cult" and "Space Nazis/Florida Man" are hilarious sing-a-long danceable ditties that are hard for any self-disrespecting mohawk sticker-upper to ignore. As for which 45 is the essential purchase, I gotta go with "Space Nazis". Both songs are hilarious and just made to blast at the neighbors. The good news is that their upcoming full-length, IRRITAINMENT!, is shaping up to be ever better! Check out the promo vid for that album's "Troll Farm" for further proof! -Harmless

*This review originally appeared in GAD! Zine issue 18. A review of IRRITAINMENT, as well as GAD! Zine issue 19's interview with the Abusements, will appear on this site very soon!

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Abusements - "Troll Farm" Music Video on YouTube


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