
Showing posts from October, 2018

Review: Abusements - "Feelin' Cheated?/Sex Cult" "Space Nazis/Florida Man" Review

Yeah, I know the Abusements are from Montgomery, AL, but where did this band come from?? Punk-rock that is snotty, fast, fun as hell, and smart. Don't get me wrong. This isn't music that makes ya think. This is music for folks that are tired of thinking. We know things are fucked-up and the world is silly so let's bounce around to take our minds off of it. Or, more specifically, let's make fun of it. Let's poke a stick at it. Singles like "Feelin' Cheated?/Sex Cult" and "Space Nazis/Florida Man" are hilarious sing-a-long danceable ditties that are hard for any self-disrespecting mohawk sticker-upper to ignore. As for which 45 is the essential purchase, I gotta go with "Space Nazis". Both songs are hilarious and just made to blast at the neighbors. The good news is that their upcoming full-length, IRRITAINMENT!, is shaping up to be ever better! Check out the promo vid for that album's "Troll Farm" for further proof!

Review: Swiss Army Brat - Toxic Shock Syndrome

By now I hope everyone has got to see SAB play live, and if you haven’t yet, hellfire, you need to. Now on to their first release. I’m going to tell you all right now, outright, that if you plan on putting out any new punk / metal /rock ' n ' roll all original local music this year, sorry, it’s too late, this is the best album of the year. The song writing is tight, the harmonies are perfect, the musicianship, the production (by Michael Bret Gore) is outstanding. Swiss Army Brat have unleashed an incredible album that will surprise you, and make you happy. From the opening rocker “You, You, You” to the double-whammy closers of “Kill” and “No Shit,” this is THE release of the year. And the CD comes with a surprise that throws the middle finger and a wink at the same time. Hellalujah! -Alabama Sharp Swiss Army Brat - "Kill" Music Video on YouTube

A New Direction (But An Obvious One)

    Yeah, yeah. You haven't heard much from us lately, at least not on this site. Part of the reason for this is that we've been plenty busy tangled up in other forms of communication.     Jay Dubya Hyde, Andy Smith, and I have started a couple of podcasts. The GAD!Cast is a podcast centered around the three of us talking about creating art (our bands, our zines, this site), local art (musicians, writers, visual artists, etc.), and just whatever interests us (comics, video games, movies, calling each other stupid). In general, GAD!Cast is weekly and appears on YouTube, Soundcloud, and the podcast app.     Our other podcast is GAD!Cast Radio , and it airs every Thursday night at 8:30 pm Central on We play a ton of music. Most of it local. All of it excellent. You still get our inane chatter but in smaller doses and with music in between to cleanse the pallet. We highly recommend that ya'll check out PoDunk Radio. They play lots of punk rock 24-7 and h