
Showing posts from May, 2016


I recently interviewed Chad and Ruthie, the good folks behind the upcoming Dixie Danger Fest in Huntsville, Alabama. This looks to be a terrific event with some of this publication's absolute favorite bands performing. Add a pin-up contest and a raffle ( proceeds going to the zine!)  and how can you not wanna go? This interview also appears in issue 11 of the GAD! zine. -Adam Harmless GAD! - Who are ya? Chad - Name is Chad Zolynsky, vocalist/bassist for the Huntsville-based Punk Rock act Jonny & the Black Frames. When I'm not doing the standard band activities of staying up late and rocking the masses, I handle planning for the annual Dixie Danger Fest event and running my own DJ business ZMC Event Productions. I'm proud to be part of a thriving Huntsville music scene and strive to grow our community through avenues just like GAD!punk. Ruthie - My name is Ruthie Lay, aka Miss Ivana Cupcake. I have won multiple area tattoo/pinup beauty pageants, and hav

This Is Not Just About Stuff Flea Or Iggy Said: Rambling In Defense Of Progress...And Youth...Or Something To That Effect

    Every few months, there’s another article containing a music veteran stating that “rock ‘n’ roll” (whatever that is) is in some sort of dire circumstance because “the kids” today care more about image or money or fame or who-knows-what than the previous generations and that there is little innovation or even passion. Well, I hate to report to our heroes that they’re wisdom is flawed.      First off, very few of these rock stars have much to do with “the kids”. Even the so-called down-to-earth guys rarely have access to the real next wave of innovators. Why? Because those innovators are underground. Remember that word? It’s what many of you folks used to be before ya “made it”. I’m not trying to say that you’re out of it because you sold out or something. What I’m saying is that after one reaches a certain level of popularity (with or without actual money to show for it), access to a certain subterranean level is more restricted. Your view is also likely to be obscured by the all