
Showing posts from February, 2017

Punk Rock Icon: A Q&A With Henry Rollins

A couple years ago, Dakota Gilliland joined the GAD! Zine ranks, first with his unique art, and soon after, with his wonderful interviews. He continues to contribute his writing to both the zine and this blog with enthusiasm. There's a lot more to come, but in the meantime, check out this Q&A that Dakota conducted with the legendary Henry Rollins of Black Flag/Rollins Band way back in 2015.... GAD!/DAKOTA: You've become such a major icon for the punk rock community. Did you ever think what you were doing would have such an impact on people? HENRY ROLLINS:  I have always done everything creatively motivated; writing, music, etc., to do it. To be able to do something completely, to hit it as hard as you can and give all to it, something like music, that's all I have ever tried to do, all I ever wanted to get out of it was the opportunity to expend energy. I had no idea that anything I did in this mindset would matter to anyone. I have never written anyth

Super Review: A review of the first levels of every SNES Star Wars

Super Review A review of the first levels of every SNES Star Wars By Dakota Gilliland I can already hear you. “Why would this nerf herder only review the first levels? Why not just review the game as a whole?” I wish I could tell you it’s because I’m punk af and will do things how I want to, but the truth is I never got past the first level on most of these games. I made it to level three once on Super Jedi, but these games are HARD ! My mom divorced my dad when I was 2 years old and lucky for me, she remarried a dude whose son had an SNES and all three classic platformers. SCORE! Super Star Wars Pterodactyl birds, Alaskan bull worms, and scorpions. Oh My! You begin this level as Luke in the Dune Sea on Tatooine. Your weapon is a blaster which is fine for this level but proves pretty worthless in the later levels. Getting dive bombed by bird creatures is a recurring theme throughout the series and is more annoying than anything. The boss of this level is the Sarlacc Pit M