This Punk Rock Website is Stinky

    Been a while since "we" posted anything here. And that was just sharing pages of an old issue of the GAD! print zine. This site has never lived up to even its meager potential. It's funny that, when I started the site, I was worried that it would render that zine obsolete. Not quite! The reviews, interviews, and articles have been sparse and most of them appeared in the zine in some form. Score 1 for physical media! Hell, at one point, we lost our address cuz the dude that was paying for it before didn't and I wasn't paying attention. Caught it too late! That's why all our old links on social media go nowhere. LAME! When I had to come up with a new one, I decided to go with Punk Rock, Alabama is, in theory, the name up my as yet unfinished book on punk rock in..... Alabama! I've listed too many excuses too many times for my creative output's decline in the last 2 or 3 years.

    The thing is, the entire point of the GAD! Zine and all the other junk we attached to it was to encourage others to create art and share their art. I always wanted to show folks that we're our only real boundaries. I've been my own boundary. I have tons of excuses for not getting the stuff done that I said I would. And they are legitimate. But I broke my own "rule". My only creative rule: 

Don't let your preconceived notions or ideas stop your art from happening. 

Your realistic painting sucks? Lean into what makes it different.

No paint for your painting? Use substances that stain that aren't paint.

Doodles kinda boring? Cut them up and make an exciting collage.

Dropped your fragile sculpture? Glue it back together all fucked-up.

Just make it aesthetically interesting...

That's what I'm trying to do. There will be a lot more on this site soon. Some stuff will be like what we've had before. Some stuff will be very different. I hope it'll actually be interesting. 



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