Show Review: Tetanus Ramp Fest 4/20/18

The Devil's Got A Hold On Me
The God Damn Rights
Higher N' Hell

Show flyer.
Horton, Alabama is a hoot! Beautiful moon above an outdoor amphitheater. Loud music, stage, skate ramp. I was enthused to see the hard work and change from the last time I had visited, when the show had been in the basement of the house. The set up is spacious and includes a good size spot for vending and a fire pit. Unfortunate and unseasonably cool weather occurred or I'm sure there would have been a better turn out. The art was cool, I got a new piece by Dawn Erwin but got there late and missed Brian Burks' stuff, as well as one of the bands, The God Damn Rights, who were kind enough to give me a CD. I have enjoyed it many times since. I guess I really like bands with the name God Damn in them. It's creepy, and scared my driving companion a little while we were driving in the woods. The title of the CD is Everyone Who Ever Loved You Was Wrong, and the graphic art is a
drawing of a man being tarred and feathered. They claimed to have thrown the music together quickly and without much practice, and that has got to be how the best music is made, because this is a good listen. The Devil's Got A Hold On Me was grit and missing teeth, a favorite local band of mine. Skatanic was a new one for me, and they were both loud and melodic. I would see them again. Higher N' Hell was Bama Country Metal as I'm starting to call these good ole boys raised with both and mashing it up with added puns of humor to create this sound that is becoming familiar. It was difficult to stand close to the stage because of how loud it was, as I would get up there and have to move back again. I think it's incredible these fellas have this great little skater punk gem to share with us and I very much enjoyed my time there, the place has a feeling of community and safety. I have been informed that camping is available, and I for one am gonna take them up on it at the next Tetanus Fest. - Salina Brilla

Flyer for tomorrow's show, featuring art by Dawn Erwin.
The Tetanus Ramp Facebook Page


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